All in Health

North Carolina Insurance Commissioner slams hospital reorganization bill as 'corporate greed'

A bill allowing hospital service corporations, including Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina, to reorganize by creating a nonprofit holding corporation is facing fierce opposition from the state's Republican Insurance Commissioner, Mike Causey, who has labeled the proposal as "all about corporate greed." The bill, which has broad bipartisan support in the legislature, has been criticized for potentially evading scrutiny and avoiding a legal trigger that could lower customer premiums.

OPINION: Medicaid expansion would hurt, not help North Carolinians

Medicaid expansion has been a topic of lively and lengthy debate in the North Carolina General Assembly for the better part of a decade. As a representative of the people, I have thoroughly reviewed the presented data, listened to the feedback provided by my constituents and concerned citizens in neighboring counties, and have come to the conclusion that ObamaCare Medicaid expansion is a bad deal for North Carolina.

NCDHHS Launches Trainings with K-12 Schools to Support Student Mental Health Locally

School staff, mental health professionals and the community can learn how to expand support for K-12 students and families experiencing mental and behavioral health issues in a webinar from 10 a.m. to noon, Wednesday, March 15. The webinar is hosted by the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services, the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction and the i2i Center for Integrative Health.